The aim of the Cronenbourg NMR Platform is to provide the scientific community on the CNRS Cronenbourg Campus and in private laboratories with top-level NMR equipment, know-how and expertise for solution analysis, whether for routine use or advanced studies.
Attached to UMR 7042 CNRS-Unistra-UHA LIMA (Laboratory of Molecular Innovation and Applications), it serves the scientific community of 5 UMR/UPR, 21 research teams, totalling some 220 users. Teams work on a wide range of research topics, including organic chemistry, polymers, molecular materials, biological compounds and materials science.
The Platform manages five NMR spectrometers at three sites on the Campus (École Européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux (ECPM), Institut Charles Sadron (ICS), Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS)). Four of its facilities are permanently dedicated to routine measurements.
ECPM Site :
- Spectrometer "ECPM 400 bis" : Bruker Avance III HD - 400 MHz – Topspin 3.6
Direct probe X-1H-19F BBFO 5mm (with 31P < X < 109Ag – 19F / 1H) wvith gradients
Temperature : 298 K
Sample changer "SampleCase+" 60 positions
Routine spectrometer. Self-service by reservation of daytime programming slots.
Spectrometer "ECPM 400 R" : Bruker Avance III HD - 400 MHz – Topspin 3.6
Probe X-1H-19F BBFO "Smartprobe" 5mm (with 31P < X < 109Ag – 19F / 1H) with gradients
Temperature : de 213 K à 383 K
Sample changer "SampleXpress Lite" 16 positions
Research spectrometer. Dedicated to advanced experiments (quantitative, variable temperatures, titration, reaction monitoring, UV irradiation, relaxation, diffusion, etc.) and practical work at ECPM.
Accessible by reservation only.
Advanced experiments operated by Platform staff only.
ICS Site :
- Spectrometer "ICS 400" : Bruker Avance III HD - 400 MHz – Topspin 3.6
Probe 5mm X-1H-19F BBFO (avec 31P < X < 109Ag – 19F / 1H) with gradients
Temperature : 298 K
Sample changer "SampleXpress" 60 positions.
Routine spectrometer. Self-service (ICS) with reserved daytime slots
IPCMS Site :
- Spectromètre "IPCMS 300" : Bruker Avance I - 300 MHz – Topspin 2.1
Direct probe QNP 5mm (13C – 31P – 19F / 1H) manually adjustable, non-automatic system
Routine spectrometer. Self-service (IPCMS) on reservation of daytime slots
- Spectrometer "IPCMS-500" : Bruker Avance III HD - 500 MHz – Topspin 3.6
Direct Cryoprobe X-1H CPPBBO "Prodigy" 5mm (with 31P < X < 15N / 1H) with gradients
Temperature : 298 K
Sample changer "SampleXpress" 60 positions
Routine spectrometer. Experiments operated by Platform staff only.
The Platform has recently equipped itself with a wet lab for specific studies. In the interests of sustainable operation, the Platform also equips its various sites with a helium recovery system.
The Platform meets the requirements of our supervisory bodies, notably through auditable management.